新型コロナの国内の新規感染を5月末から封じ込めたタイ政府だったが、コロナウィルス に免疫のないタイ国民、タイに滞在する外国人が上をしたへの大騒ぎでこの外国人の行動をメディアが一斉報道…
記事引用先:Bangkok Post
Majority against opening country to foreigners: Poll
A majority of people are still opposed to opening the country to foreigners who are not infected with Covid-19, reasoning that the global coronavirus situation is still very serious, according to a survey carried out by the National Institute of Development Administration, or Nida Poll.
A proposed “medical and wellness” programme would open the country to foreigners who test negative for Covid-19 to receive medical treatment. They would be required to undergo a 14-day quarantine before being allowed to return to their home countries.
A majority – 55.32% – disagreed with the programme. Of them, 41.41% strongly disagreed with it, saying those admitted could be carriers and cause a second wave of the pandemic, while Thailand already has many infections imported by Thai returnees from abroad. Another 13.91% said they disagreed because the situation does not yet warrant the entry of foreigners. even if they have health certificates.
A second proposed programme would allow those foreigners admitted for medical treatment to travel around Thailand after undergoing a 14-day quarantine.
37.89% were totally against it and wanted Covid-19 to be 100% eradicated first because they had no confidence in the 14-day quarantine, while 14.55% disagreed with it, but less strongly, for fear of a second wave of the pandemic since Covid-19 was mostly imported by foreigners.
National Institute of Development Administration(NIDA) POLL
#タイ バンコクで新型コロナ陽性が確認されたスーダン外交官の娘(9)と家族はは、強制隔離を免除されスクンビットSoi26の自宅に滞在中、付近のデパートなどを歩き回っていたと報道されている。プロンポン近くのコンドミニアムには多数のメディアが集結。 pic.twitter.com/ZaLMPYMfmf
— Makoto SASAKI (@SasakiFNN) July 14, 2020
一方でタイメディアが報じた商業施設等については言及はありません。家族らはずっと自室にいた、としています。https://t.co/R8oZAy0EP5 https://t.co/WVQgUGWGke— Makoto SASAKI (@SasakiFNN) July 14, 2020
タイCOVID-19状況管理センター<the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA)>は2020年7月13日午前、新規に3人の新規コロナウイルス感染者が確認され、2人が海外から帰国したタイ人、もう1人が先日タイに入国した兵士のエジプト人男性(43歳)であることを明らかにしました。
Almost 400 at risk of Covid-19 after infected Egyptian soldier visited Rayong department store
Almost 400 people carry the risk of contracting Covid-19 after an Egyptian soldier infected with the virus and his group visited a Rayong department store, according to the Thai Chana platform.