
Thailand 90 Days Report : New Smart Phone Application

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Thailand “Immigration eService” application for “90 days report” are ready for IOS(iPhoe/iPad) and Android phones.

Apps Store: IOS iPhone/iPad

Google Store: Android


How to register.

To register

email+Password -> Register
email should be sent to confim, complete by Confirmation.

How to submit 90 days report.


Notification of Staying


Terms and conditions

Click Accept

Personal information

TM6 information


Check your email

  1. Completion of submission will be sent.
  2. Wait for registration 2 weeks maximum.
  3. Comfimation of acceptace of your 90 days report shall be sent.
As per my friend, he received “Confirmation of aceptance” after 5 hours of submission.


Print 90 days report and attache it to your passport

You shall be required to print.


When you can register.

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